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Iran Travertine Co. has been committed to providing the Natural stone especially Travertine, Marble, Onyx and Granite community with innovative, high quality, cost effective products. From our humble beginnings in 2000, the Company has grown to become the largest professional natural stone exporter company in Iran. From our facilities on six continents, the Company distributes its Natural Stone products in over 30 countries under some of the most well established brand names in the Natural Stone industry. Worldwide, the profession now depends upon Iran Travertine Co. for innovative Natural Stone products that advance the practice of beauty.
The Iran Travertine Company is an Iranian exporter of wall and floor tiles, suitable for housing projects, commercial and industrial use. We provide all kinds of famous natural stones such as Travertine, Marbles, Onyx, and Granite in different colors and sizes with Different Surface Finishes: Polished, Honed, Tumbled, Brushed, Antiqued, Bush-hammered, Sandblasted, Natural Cleft, Split Face and Chiseled in cross Cut & Vein Cut. |
we are member of
1. Iran Stone Association
2. Chairman of Iran Stone Association member export & economical committee
3. Iran chamber of commerce & industry.
4. Common chamber of Iran –Australia
5. Common chamber of Iran –Italy
6. Common chamber of Iran –Canada
7.Common chamber of Iran –England,
8.Common chamber of Iran –Saudi Arabia
We are the member of Iran chamber commerce and a member of Australia, Italy, Canada, England, Iran chamber commerce and industry as well. |
Company Name: Farzin Rock Stone Group E-Market Ceneter: http://www.irantravertine.com
Division: Export Stone & Import Machineries Established: 1992 by R-Alijani Ownership: Private Total number of employees: 16 Registered License: 414446 at Ministry of Commerce
Activities: Export, Import, stone processing
Exporting: Travertine, Marble Tiles & OnyxTiles, Slabs and Block.
Importing: Granite, Artificial stone products, Parts and Machineries
Consulting for investing inside outside of Iran and  co-operating.
Head Office: # 3, No.27, East. Sarv St. Ave., Kaj Square Saadat-Abad Ave , Tehran, Iran Post code: 1998653788 Tel: +9821 - 22092057
E-Mail: info@irantravertine.net Web: www.irantravertine.net
Dubai Office Rainbow L.L.C P.O.BOX: 72511 Dubai, U.A.E Telephone: 009716-5260667 Fax: 009716-5260696 E-Mail: dubai@irantravertine.net Australia Sydney Office Australia office : Mr. Martine Address: Unit 5/745 the Horsley ,Dr. Smithfield NSW 2164 Sydney , Australia. email: info@australiamarblestone.com.au Website: www.australiamarblestone.com.au
Bank Beneficiary's Bank: Export Development bank of Iran; Central Br; Code 1301 Swift Code: Edbiirthcen In favor of: Farzin Rock Stone Trade Co A/C or ID No: 010374136 Beneficiary: Farzin Rock Stone Trade Co. Bank Sepah, North Alameh Tabatabaee Branch code 1798
Add: North Alames St., Saadat Abad Ave., Tehran, Iran. A/C or ID No: 99011 (For USD) Telephone: +9821- 22060131 Fax: 22075238 Swift: sepbirthxxxx
India Office UTTARA IMPEX PVT. LTD Uttara House, 2, Wellesley Road, Camp, Pune - 411001, Maharashtra (India) Tel. : +91-20-66099300 Cell : +91-976-4590022 Fax : +91-20-26114173 E-mail : sanjay.wadhwa@venkys.in
UAE Office VENKY’S (MIDDLE EAST) FZCO PO Box 54621, Suite East 4B 151 Dubai Airport Free Zone, UAE Tel. +971-4-2045137, +971-4-2045138 Cell : +971-155-3646951 Fax : +971-4-2045139 E-mail : sanvenkys@yahoo.com